INESE is a Latvian author of the highly popular books Breathe in Love and HappinessBreathe in Love and Happiness IILet Love Grow, The Seven Suns, Calendar of FeelingsMy Happiness Diary and Pearls of Wisdom. If you read in Latvian, you can order them from

The best-selling books Breathe in Love and Happiness and The Seven Suns have been translated and are now available also in English.

Breathe in Love and Happiness is a deep, heartfelt conversation between two women - the author and the reader - on how to change your life. 

How to fill your day with joy, wealth and love. 

How to improve your life, one area at a time. 

How to discover your true essence. How to meet your true love. 

How to be a feminine woman and live with a masculine man, how to be healthy and rich, how to be young and beautiful regardless of your age, and how to simply be happy.

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Please note that this item is in printing and will be available for ordering soon

The Seven Suns is a journey into balancing and diagnosing chakra energies:

  • The first cycle of conversations reveals how anyone can diagnose their energies.
  • The second cycle is about the Red Sun. This energy centre looks after our grounding, safety and physical strength.
  • In the third cycle, we discover the Orange Sun. This is our creative centre, governing our sexuality, femininity and masculinity, relations between the sexes, money and material things.
  • The fourth cycle speaks about the Yellow Sun, the home of the ego. These conversations cover our self-confidence, respect, values and masculine strength.
  • The fifth cycle introduces the reader to the Green Sun – the love of the heart. Learn how to fall in love with yourself and the world.
  • The sixth cycle is devoted to the Light Blue Sun and our relationships, communication and immunity.
  • The seventh cycle is about the Dark Blue Sun, which is responsible for our intuition, dreams, visions, thoughts and meditations.
  • The eight cycle explores our connection with Higher Forces through the Violet Sun.
  • The book includes practical methods for balancing chakra energies, shares revealing personal experiences and offers wonderful meditations.

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A communication game for family and friends.

In our daily lives, we often miss conversations from the heart with family and friends. This communication game is an excellent way to:

  • Start a conversation
  • Understand yourself better
  • Get to know others better
  • Have fun during get togethers
  • Practice the art of communication
  • Discover what your subconscious mind and the Universe want to tell us

The right card – chosen with a smile – could change your life!

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